The Logo is a bike with the name Windschatten beside it

Windschatten is an app that helps cyclists in Vienna find commuting partners. It connects people with similar routes and schedules, encouraging eco-friendly transportation and community building.

Get started
Cyclists in Vienna


Find Routes

Discover the best bicycle routes to work and home, tailored to your preferences.

Connect with Cyclists

Find commuting partners with similar routes and schedules to make your ride more enjoyable.

Share your Experience

Share your experiences with other cyclists and help them find the best routes.

What People Say About Windschatten

Anna S.

"Windschatten has made my daily commute so much more enjoyable. I found new friends to ride with and discovered better routes to avoid traffic. Highly recommended!"

Anna S.

Daily Commuter

Michael B.

"I was hesitant to start cycling to work, but Windschatten made it easy to find a group of people to ride with. Now, I look forward to my daily rides!"

Michael B.

New Cyclist

Julia K.

"As a long-time cyclist, I thought I knew all the best routes in Vienna. Windschatten showed me new paths and connected me with other cyclists. It's a game changer!"

Julia K.

Experienced Cyclist